10 December 2014

Madam Successor Trustee, Tala R. Davis

by Monica Post

03 December 2014

Tala R. Davis 
Successor Trustee Thelsey L. Fuller Trust
Law Offices of Tala R. Davis 
3681 Crenshaw Blvd.
Los Angeles, California 90016

Re: Thelsey L. Fuller Trust – Conflict of Interest, Please Resign

Madam Trustee,

This is to inform you that there is a conflict of interest between you, Atty. Teddie J. Randall and the beneficiaries of the Thelsey L. Fuller Trust.

As you know I have made it abundantly clear that there is an ongoing complaint against Atty. Teddie J. Randall with the State Bar of California - Inquiry #14-18164.

Before you were named Successor Trustee it was made known to Atty. Teddie J. Randall and Mr. Steven Fuller that your appointment as Successor Trustee was opposed because of your ties to Atty. Teddie J.Randall, his office and the pending complaint against him with the Bar.

Now, some of your actions have been to the detriment of the Trust and the Trust beneficiaries.

The beneficiaries were not given adequate time to inventory the contents of the former Trust asset located at 8625 S. 12th Ave.

But, instead the antiques and the contents were removed from the residence without being appraised, inventoried and or sorted through by the Trust beneficiaries. 

Also, you are billing the Trust as an attorney at $350.00 per hour instead of the standard $150.00 per hour as a trustee. You are seeking over $21,000.00 in compensation for administration of the Trust thus far, which is overly excessive. 

Furthermore, the beneficiaries believe that you are using the proceeds from the sale of the Trust assets as an avenue to enrich yourself and or as retaliation for the complaint filed with the Bar against Atty. Teddie J. Randall.

The beneficiaries have agreed and have previously asked that you close out the Trust to prevent the further siphoning off of the sale proceeds from the Trust assets by you and or anyone else, which you refuse to perform but, make excuses instead.

Therefore, it is requested that you render your resignation immediately.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

To: Tala R. Davis, Successor Trustee, Thelsey S. Fuller (sic) Trust

Fax No: 1.323.284.6985

Date: 05 December 2014

Re: Disposition of Remaining Trust Estate

Madam Successor Trustee,

In accordance with the provisions of the Thelsey S. Fuller (sic) Trust:

Section 5.3 Disposition of Remaining Trust Estate:

"5.3 Disposition of Remaining Trust Estate.  On the settlor’s death, the remaining trust estate shall be disposed as follows:

(a) If any of the children of the settlor survive him, the trustee shall divide the trust property into as many shares of equal market value as are necessary to create one share for each of the settlor’s children who survive him and one share for each of the settlor’s children who predecease him but who leave issue surviving him.  The trustee shall distribute one share OUTRIGHT to each of the settlor’s surviving children."

Therefore, distribute immediately to the beneficiaries their shares of the trust i.e. the proceeds from the sale of the Trust real estate assets.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Madam Trustee,

Again, according to the Trust document the Trust assets were to be distributed to the Trust beneficiaries "outright" upon the Settlor's death, that did not happen.

As you know the Trust asset located at 1916 N. Belhaven Ave. was ordered sold by Court order, no such order was given by the Court in relation to 8625 S. 12th Ave.

How is it that you came to list and sell the Trust asset known as 8625 S. 12th Ave. Inglewood, CA. without the consent or input of the Trust beneficiaries let alone the fact that you have refused to carry out the wishes of the Trust Settlor, Mr. Thelsey L. Fuller (deceased)?

But, instead you appear and is alleged that you have carried out the designs of yourself, Atty. Teddie Randall and Mr. Steven Fuller*, which is in direct opposition and conflict with the wishes of the Settlor, Mr. Thelsey L. Fuller and the Trust beneficiaries.

Simply put, by what authority were you authorized to sell the Trust asset known as 8625 S. 12th Ave.?

It is noted that you continue to fail to respond to telephone calls, emails and faxes in connection with the several request that have been made to you in regards to the Trust.

The Trust was not designed so that you or anyone else could enrich yourselves to the detriment of the Trust  or its beneficiaries.

*It is known among the beneficiaries that it was always Steven Fuller's desire to sell the Trust assets and that is exactly what transpired.





  1. Thanx, Monica.

    Simply put, to the attorneys and the court:




    It must be noted that Atty. Tala R. Davis, ESQ. did not submit to the demands of Steven A. Fuller in regards to the Thelsey L. Fuller Trust.

    Her role as Successor Trustee was above board, open and honest.

    Warmest regards,
    Mr. Michael L. Long
    Attorney in Fact for Sandra Arnold


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