Los Angeles County Superior Court Cases
BP099211, BP122665, BP118616, BP135381
BP099211 Conservatorship Edwina Fuller
BP118616 Probate Thelsey L. Fuller
BP122665 Challenge to the Trust Amendment
BP135381 Probate Edwina J. Fuller
2nd District Court of Appeal
06 May 2010
Honorable Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Office of Constituent Affairs
State Capital Building
Sacramento, California 95814
RE: Mrs. EDWINA J. FULLER 08/20/1917 - 06/02/2012*
Mr. THELSEY LEO FULLER 06/02/1917 - 08/26/2009
*Post updated 19 JAN 2013
California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 15610.07 defines “abuse of an elder or dependent adult” as either of the following: (a) physical abuse, neglect, financial abuse, abandonment, isolation, abduction or other treatment with resulting physical harm or pain or mental suffering; or (b) the deprivation by a care custodian of goods or services necessary to avoid physical harm or mental suffering
PENAL CODE SECTION 11174.4-11174.9
PENAL CODE SECTION 11160-11163.6
CALIFORNIA PENAL CODE SECTION 368-368.5 Special Crimes Against Elders

Click image to enlarge.
Dear Honorable Governor Schwarzenegger,
I have been very diligent in trying to get justice for Mr. THELSEY LEO FULLER AND Mrs. EDWINA J. FULLER. I contacted all of those agencies in California that I believed were responsible for protecting elders in the State of California and in the County of Los Angeles. Virtually every agency has informed me that I should seek a civil remedy after I have notified them that the laws of your state have been broken and violated concerning financial elder abuse, elder abuse.
Those agencies are:
State of California-Health and Human Services Agency
Department of Social Services
Attn: Mr. Randy Shiroi, Chief, Adult Programs
744 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95814-6400
Office of Victims Services
California Attorney General's Office
ATTN: Debroah Bain, Deputy Attorney General for Victims’ Services
P.O. Box 944255
Sacramento, CA 94244-2550
PIU: 331177
Adult Protective Services
Attn: Mr. Patrick Anyawoke, Supervisor, Hawthorne Unit
3333 Wilshire Blvd Suite 400
Los Angeles, CA 90010-4111
Community and Senior Services of Los Angeles County
3175 West Sixth Street
Los Angeles, California 90020-1708
Audit and Review
Office of the Chief Trail Counsel
State Bar of California
1149 South Hill Street
Los Angeles, California 90015-2299
RE: Inquiry Number: 09-20908

It must be noted that every mandatory reporter [CitiBank, Kaiser, Pacific Palms Hospital] in connection with the abuse of Mr. THELSEY L. FULLER failed to report possible elder abuse, financial elder abuse as required by law.
Now, according to a report by the County of Los Angeles, Civil Grand Jury, titled FINAL REPORT 2008-2009 CIVIL GRAND JURY, ON THE HORIZON: THE SENIOR TSUNAMI An Investigation of Elder Abuse Prevention Services and Programs Los Angeles County has nothing in place to actually tackle this type of problem. [It's window dressing.]
Also, I believe that Mrs. EDWINA J. FULLER has not been given a fair hearing as to her grievances in Los Angeles Superior Court, as the court failed to protect her interest, which resulted in the theft of over $308,000.00 cash and the possible loss of several real estate assets.
Please find enclosed a computer disc, which contains most of the documentation in this case, said disc was also delivered to the entities listed above.
Should your office have any questions please feel free to call me at the number above and or via my email address, benamarine@gmail.com
Mr. Long
Rob Daddy, Throw Momma Under the Bus (CD)
17 May 2010
President of the United States of America
Honorable President Barack H. Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Elder Abuse, Financial Elder Abuse of Mr. THELSEY LEO FULLER & Mrs. EDWINA J. FULLER
Dear Honorable President Barack H. Obama,
I have previously sent letters, emails and a computer disc to you at the White House concerning the elder abuse, financial elder abuse of Mr. T. L. FULLER (deceased) and Mrs. E. J. FULLER of Los Angeles, California, dated 29 January 2010 delivery confirmation 03082040000128154457.
I understand that when you signed the Healthcare Reform Act, elder abuse now falls under federal statutes.
Please find herein a timeline with the banking transactions, which clearly outline the elder abuse, financial abuse of Mr. T. L. & Mrs. E. J. FULLER. On Thursday of this week - May 20, 2010 the court is scheduled to determine if Mrs. E. J. FULLER is entitled to one of the martial assets, , Inglewood, California 90305. [next court dates are July 8, 2010 ACCOUNT CURRENT & FEES and July 26, 2010 DETERMINE OWNERSHIP]
08/23/2006 – Los Angeles Superior Court, case BP099211, conservatorship for Mrs. E. J. FULLER
APPT. CONSERVATOR OF P & E - Matter continued
10/04/2006 – Los Angeles Superior Court, case Conservator] - Acctng Due in 425 Days
09/13/2007 – Mr. Thelsey L. FULLER, Citibank* High Interest Checking Account # Balance $206,964.66.
09/25/07 $1,030.00 Check #1214
09/26/07 $1,100.00 Check #1212
10/2007 No bank statement
11/01/07 $1,990.00 Check #1219
11/05/07 $1,900.00 Check #1218
11/21/07 $2,147.65 Check #1225
11/21/07 $783.31 Check #1226
11/22/2007 – Mr. T. L. FULLER ask Mr. Long if he is ever coming back to California. Mr. Long responds, "No.” Mr. T. L. FULLER request that Mr. Long come visit him at Christmas, Mr. Long agrees.
11/28/07 $4,055.00 Check #1228
12/10/07 $181,000.00 Cash Withdrawal
Deposited to High Yield MMA Balance $181,002.56
12/13/2007 – Robert Fuller [FBI Tracking Number, Case File: CI 01261737] makes veiled threats that if Mr. Long returns to California he will face trouble from he and Doris Fuller.
Mr. Long cancels Christmas vacation to California [Re: It's easy to get into trouble and hard to get out].
12/31/07 Month of December 2007, $184,798.99 withdrawn from Citibank, $3,740.58 unaccounted for. Checking balance $50,270.90. MMA balance $181,172.14. Amount Added $38,178.62 (?) Citibank statement missing pages 1 & 2
03/28/08 $200.00 Check #1410 Pages 3 & 4 are missing from Citibank statement.
04/23/08 $272.00 Check #1385
04/28/08 $511.00 Check #1384
05/01/2008 – Doris Fuller takes out reverse mortgage on her home which she has owned since 1974 in the amount of $541,500.00 with Wells Fargo Bank
May 1 – June 1, 2008 Citibank Statement (NO PAGE 2, NO PAGE 4)
Robert Fuller and Doris Fuller added to Mr. Thelsy Leo Fuller's accounts at Citibank, statements mailed to Doris Fuller's home.
Citigold Account Balance $61,728.60
Smith Barney Account Balance $181,922.31
TOTAL $243,650.91
05/12/2008 – Petition to Determine Ownership Inglewood, CA 90305 (PC 850)***
06/09/08 $50.00 Check #1393
$18.20 Check #1391
06/12/08 $59.09 Check #1394
July 2008 EXTREMELY ERRATIC BANKING ACTIVITY BEGINS, Mr. Thelsey L. Fuller's accounts
07/08/08 $117.00 Electronic Debit AAA Insurance – TL Payment (?)
07/18/08 $50.00 Check #1401
$50.00 Check #1402
$35.01 Check #1403
$28.33 Check #1399
07/23/2008 – Durable Trust created for Mr. Thelsy L. Fuller grants Durable Power of Attorney to Robert Fuller (Atty. Daniel K. Lak). Mr. Thelsey L. Fuller is isolated from other family members other than Robert and Doris Fuller, all of his telephone calls are monitored he is no longer able to visit with other family members on a one on one basis as he has in the past. Mr. Thelsy L. Fuller is no longer able to interact with others or go out with anyone other than Robert Fuller and Doris Fuller
07/25/08 $20.00 Check #1404
07/29/08 $1,000.00 Check #1405
07/30/08 $130.00 Electronic Debit Check #1406 DIRECTV
08/06/08 $200.00 Check #1398
09/04/2008 – Objection Document (OBJECTIONS TO PETITION TO DETERMINE TITLE TO REAL PROPERTY) Filed by Attorney for Objector {Shirley}
09/12/2008 – Mr. T. L. Fuller becomes part owner of Falmouth Ave , Playa Del Rey, CA 90293-8297 [LA County Blockshopper] no paper work as to how or when he became owner of property (Atty. Daniel K. Lak) http://benamarine.blogspot.com/2012/10/formal-real-estate-fraud-complaint.html
09/16/2008 $1,500.00 Check #1407
Durable Trust amended, Mrs. Edwina J. Fuller [spouse] $0; Robert Fuller [son] 50% of estate; Doris Fuller [daughter] 50% of estate; Shirley C. Ritchey [daughter] $40.00; Sandra Arnold [daughter] $40.00; Steven A. Fuller [son] $10.00 (Atty. Daniel Kristof Lak)
09/30/08 $6,360.00 Check #1408
Citigold Account Balance $3,317.65
10/17/08 $1,500.00 Check #1350
10/08/2008 – Mr. Thelsey L. Fuller, pages 2 - 5 follow up re. catheter, body weight 150 lbs. [when placed missing from records], medical notes Kaiser.pdf
10/15/2008 – Mr. Thelsey L. Fuller, page 1 progress notes, trial voiding, bladder, 150cc in, 150cc out, patient should increase fluids, medical notes Kaiser.pdf
10/21/2008 – Mr. Thelsey L. Fuller, gifts Doris Fuller her own house 90221-4515, $541,500.00 reverse mortgage five months prior, no paper work as to how or when Mr. Thelsey L. Fuller became owner of Doris Fuller's home (Atty. Daniel K. Lak)
10/23/2008 – Mr. T. L. Fuller, Plan of Care missing, mentioned on page 9, medical notes Kaiser.pdf
10/28/2008 – Mr. T. L. Fuller, medical treatment, no notes, see 02/10/09, page 8, medical notes Kaiser.pdf
10/30/2008 - Answer to PC 850, five months later? Filed by Attorney for Respondent*** see above (05/12/2008)
12/08/08 $1,500.00 Check #1352
01/05/2009 – Mr. T. L. FULLER, pages 6 – 7, urinary obstruction, Kaiser.pdf
01/06/09 $1,500.00 Check #1353
02/09/09 $1,500.00 Check #1354
02/10/2009 – Mr. T. L. FULLER, pages 8 – 11, chief complaint, interstitial lung disease; active problems, hypertension, anemia, chronic kidney disease, lung disease, atrioventricular block, urinary tract symptoms w/urinary obstruction, diastolic dysfunction, dyspnea [cardiopulmonary disease], nausea and vomiting; MEDS; martial status separated, Kaiser.pdf
03/04/09 $1,500.00 Check #1355
04/10/09 $1,500.00 Check #1357
04/13/09 $476.00 Check #1356
05/07/09 $1,500.00 Check #1358
06/03/2009 – Mr. T. L. FULLER, pages 12 – 15, hospice note, lung disease; active problems; meds; bed bound; anemia; martial status separated; diagnosis lung disease, home hospice care, no not resuscitate, atrioventircular block, anemia, chronic kidney disease, hypertension, dyspnea, BPH w/lower urinary tract symptoms, urinary obstruction, Kaiser. Pdf
06/09/09 $1,600.00 Check #1359
06/30/2009 – Mr. STEVEN A. FULLER, conservator for Mrs. EDWINA J. FULLER ask court for restraining order on Mr. THELSEY. L. FULLER bank accounts [06/30/2009 MOTION/APPL-TEMP RESTAINING ORDER] in an attempt to protect both parents.
[06/30/09] $3,000.00 Check #1360
07/01/2009 – Robert Fuller and Doris Fuller withdraw $235,152.28 from Mr. T. L. Fuller's Citibank Account, Reference # 10013133368 /TCR/ACCOUNT # 40046814907, each cash checks in the amount of $117,576.14 and deposit same at F & A FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, 2625 CORPORATE PL, Monterey Park, CA 91754
[07/01/09] $1,600.00 CASH WITHDRAWAL
07/02/09 – Mr. T. L. Fuller, pages 16 – 17, office visit Stanley Mark Fried MD; lung disease; meds, Kaiser.pdf
07/31/09 - 08/04/09 – Mr. T. L. Fuller, page 18, hospitalized five days for anorexia, dysphagia, anemia (no hospital notes), Kaiser.pdf
08/03/09 $2,200.00 CASH WITHDRAWAL
08/05/2009 – Mr. T. L. Fuller placed in convalescent hospital for five days respite care, multiple medications, decubitus ulcer, low body mass - intake not meeting needs, dehydrated, stage IV pressure ulcer, PacificPalms.pdf
08/06/2009 – Mr. T. L. Fuller, pages 18 – 21, physical exam; hospice; lung disease; eating problem; anemia; tires easily, requires max assistance, bed bound; active problems, hypertension, anemia, chronic kidney disease, partial atrioventricular bloci, urinary obstruction, diastolic dysfunction, dyspnea, nausea and vomiting, urinary retention, lung disease, knee pain, cystitis, syncope, hematuria, dehydration, atherosclerosis, septicemia, malnutrition; weak, barely able to answer questions with whisper (head movement); pre-terminal, anorexia. Page 98, Mr. T. L. Fella goes down hill emotionally, heads up from Kaiser Hospice social worker, (Gretchen), Re: Family Issues, PacificPalms.pdf
08/07/2009 – Mr. T. L. Fuller lying in bed, weak, slow to answer, confused. Robert Fuller obtains Medi-Cal application from convelesant hospital, Re: Mr. T. L. Fuller, PacificPalms.pdf
08/08/2009 – I, widow's son, Mr. Long contact the L. A. County Sheriff Dept. Compton, Deputy Anderson 9:20PM (EST) Incident number 170, File number 14014. Re: Condition and location of Mr. Thelsey L. Fuller unknown, I ask that the sheriff’s department go to Doris Fuller's home to check on Mr. T. L. Fuller
08/10/2009 – Robert Fuller turns in Medi-Cal application for Mr. T. L. Fuller to Pacific Palms
08/17/2009 – Robert Fuller files restraining order against Mr. & Mrs. Fuller's son, Mr. Steven Fuller conservator, using Power of Attorney
08/21/2009 – Robert Fuller informed that Mr. Thelsey L. Fuller has stage III - IV pressure ulcer on left inner buttocks
08/24/2009 – Kaiser social worker telephones Doris Fuller regarding patient (Mr. T. L. Fuller) support, page 103, PacificPalms.pdf
AUGUST 3 – AUGUST 31, 2009 Citibank Statement
Citigold Account Balance $168.59
Smith Barney Account 57H-01121 Balance $0
TOTAL $168.59
*All banking statements provided by Citibank to the Estate of Mr. THELSEY L. FULLER as of 14 May 2010 lack the last page of each and every statement.
It is my sincere belief that neither Mr. Daniel K. Lak nor Citibank have obeyed the orders of the court in this matter, .
Also, I believe that neither Robert Fuller nor Doris Fuller acted on behalf of Mr. THELSEY L. FULLER in an open and honest manner and that his best interest were never their concern but, instead their own. From what I am able to glean from the records and the facts concerning the last several years of Mr. THELSEY LEO FULLER'S life… His joy was stolen and he was robbed of all of his financial assets, isolated from his family, conned and coerced into signing documents and doing things that he would never have done of his own free will. He was not properly cared for and in the end he was stuck in a convalescent hospital against his will by Robert and Doris Fuller to die alone. His wife, Mrs. EDWINA J. FULLER, our mother, grandmother, great-grandmother was never a forethought for these THREE CRIMINALS; ROBERT L. FULLER, DORIS A. FULLER AND DANIEL KRISTOF LAK.
Thank you,
Mr. Long
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
28 May 2010
7008 3230 0001 7283 9515
Clara Shortridge Foltz, Criminal Justice Center
County of Los Angeles, Civil Grand Jury
210 W. Temple Street, 11th Floor, Room 11-506
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Mrs. EDWINA J. FULLER 08/20/1917
Mr. THELSEY L. FULLER 06/03/1917 - 08/26/2009
Honorable Civil Grand Jury,
Please find enclosed a second computer disc containing the banking statements [Citibank] of Mr. Thelsey L. Fuller from late 2007 – December 2009.
Everything appears to be in order up to the point where he gave a Power of Attorney to Robert Fuller and Doris Fuller and which appears to have been given over to Citibank in May of 2008. After which time $308,000.00 [three hundred eight thousand dollars] was removed from his account.
Mr. Thelsey L. Fuller also had(s) an account with Wells Fargo, which was verbally confirmed by Robert Fuller in a telephone conversation on 27 May 2010.
Also, there is a discrepancy as to what happened to Mr. Thelsey L. Fuller's social security checks the last year of his life.
It must be noted that Mr.and Mrs. Thelsey L. Fuller never divorced as Mr. Fuller knew that he would be forced to financially settle with Mrs. Fuller, his wife.
Should the Grand Jury have any questions feel free to contact me at any time.
Mr. Long
Computer Disc - “ Citibank Statements”
Computer Disc - “ Elder Abuse”
Notice to Person Accepting the Appointment as Attorney-in-Fact
By acting or agreeing to act as the agent (attorney-in-fact) under this power of attorney you assume the fiduciary and other legal responsibilities of an agent. These responsibilities include:
1. The legal duty to act solely in the interest of the principal and to avoid conflicts of interest.
2. The legal duty to keep the principal's property separate and distinct from any other property owned or controlled by you. You may not transfer the principal's property to yourself without full and adequate consideration or accept a gift of the principal's property unless this power of attorney specifically authorizes you to transfer property to yourself or accept a gift of the principal's property. If you transfer the principal's property to yourself without specific authorization in the power of attorney, you may be prosecuted for fraud and/or embezzlement. If the principal is 65 years of age or older at the time that the property is transferred to you without authority, you may also be prosecuted for elder abuse under Penal Code Section 368. In addition to criminal prosecution, you may also be sued in civil court. I have read the foregoing notice and I understand the legal and fiduciary duties that I assume by acting or agreeing to act as the agent (attorney-in-fact) under the terms of this power of attorney.
(Signature of agent)
Section 259 of the Probate Code. (a) Any person shall be deemed to have predeceased a decedent to the extent provided in subdivision (c) where all of the following apply:
(1) It has been proven by clear and convincing evidence that the person is liable for physical abuse, neglect, or fiduciary abuse of the decedent, who was an elder or dependent adult.
(2) The person is found to have acted in bad faith.
(3) The person has been found to have been reckless, oppressive, fraudulent, or malicious in the commission of any of these acts upon the decedent.
(4) The decedent, at the time those acts occurred and thereafter until the time of his or her death, has been found to have been substantially unable to manage his or her financial resources or to resist fraud or undue influence.
(b) Any person shall be deemed to have predeceased a decedent to the extent provided in subdivision (c) if that person has been convicted of a violation of Section 236 of the Penal Code or any offense described in Section 368 of the Penal Code.
(c) Any person found liable under subdivision (a) or convicted under subdivision (b) shall not (1) receive any property, damages, or costs that are awarded to the decedent's estate in an action described in subdivision (a) or (b), whether that person's entitlement is under a will, a trust, or the laws of intestacy; or (2) serve as a fiduciary as defined in Section 39, if the instrument nominating or appointing that person was executed during the period
when the decedent was substantially unable to manage his or her financial resources or resist fraud or undue influence. This section shall not apply to a decedent who, at any time following the act or acts described in paragraph (1) of subdivision (a), or the act or acts described in subdivision (b), was substantially able to manage
his or her financial resources and to resist fraud or undue influence within the meaning of subdivision (b) of Section 1801 of the Probate Code and subdivision (b) of Section 39 of the Civil Code.
(d) For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply:
(1) Physical abuse as defined in Section 15610.63 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.
(2) Neglect as defined in Section 15610.57 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.
(3) False imprisonment as defined in Section 368 of the Penal Code.
(4) Fiduciary abuse as defined in Section 15610.30 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.
(e) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the severance and transfer of an action or proceeding to a separate civil action pursuant to Section 801.
"A citizen's guide to preventing & reporting elder abuse"
Defendant: Daniel K. Lak
Daniel Lak, Daniel K. Lak, Daniel Kristof Lak

17 January 2010
FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
I am, the son of Ms. Sandra J. Arnold (Fuller) and the third eldest grandchild of Mr. Thelsey L. Fuller and Mrs. Edwina J. Fuller.
God created the Heavens and the Earth in six days, on the seventh day he rested.
Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, when Eve was seduced by the serpent, Adam stood there and didn't open his mouth.
I refuse to rest or shut up until what I believe has been done in relationship and by the actions of others in regards to my grandfather during the last year of his life and to my grandmother to this day, is brought fully into the light.
As the Sun rules the day and the Moon rules the night, Robert L. Fuller and Doris A. Fuller, through a Power of Attorney, legal advice and services provided to them by Attorney Daniel K. Lak, caused them to have rule and dominion over my ninety-two year old maternal grandfather, Mr. Thelsey L. Fuller for little over a year and until his death.
After coming into the care of Robert L. Fuller and Doris A. Fuller, he was not allowed to communicate or interact with the rest of his family as he had in the past and was only subjected to their influence.
It is only now coming to light the damages that were visited upon my grandfather before his death and I can not begin to surmise the anguish he must have felt by being separated from those that truly loved him as he laid on his death bed.
As an heir of Mr. Thelsey L. Fuller, asking him for, receiving and having full enjoyment of my inheritance while he was alive... his love (and friendship) as I knew that no one could deny or take it from me as they had taken and denied me, him. I have now become privy to the Thelsey S. Fuller Trust that was set up by Attorney Daniel K. Lak and which I believe has been in the possession of Robert L. Fuller and Doris A. Fuller since its inception circa July 2008. As a family courtesy, I received the document from Mr. Steven A. Fuller the caregiver and conservator for my grandmother, Mrs. Edwina J. Fuller and her estate. As a direct result of Steven's efforts to protect her, was I able to obtain the attached document titled Thelsey S. Fuller Trust [sic]. And, only after the judge ordered that it be turned over during a hearing held on 14 January 2010 in Los Angeles Superior Court, Division 11, case number BP099211. Also the "Proceeding Held" section on the courts web site reflects far to many instances where the matter before the Court was continued which indicates in my mind that someone was hoping my grandmother would expire before the matter before the court was settled. And from what I understand my grandfather only appeared in court once or twice. I also believe that Robert L. Fuller, Doris A. Fuller and Attorney Daniel K. Lak had no reason to cooperate in the proceeding, any proceeding or mediation prior to 14 January 2010 as the S Trust appears to have been amended on 16 September 2008.
Keep in mind, that no one now living outside of Robert, Doris and Lak have seen the original document but, only an electronic copy, which I believe could have and or may have been manipulated by electronic means as the only page that would need to be left intact is the signature page, this would hold true for any document prepared by Attorney Daniel K. Lak and signed by my grandfather.
According to the alleged Trust presented to the court - it states that my grandfather was not married and that my grandparents were divorced in 1968. Page 8, as contained in the Trust, 1.4 Marital Status and 1.5 Previous Marriage, that our parents were no longer married which not a soul in the family was aware of and is my belief to be untrue, unfounded or grounded in reality. In my honest opinion it is nothing more than an attempt to circumvent Probate Law.
My grandfather's death certificate indicates that he was "married," his obituary indicates that my grandparents were "separated" in 1968. I believe the date of separation may be untrue as well. It should be noted that the death certificate and obituary were both prepared by Robert L. Fuller. So, that indicates that someone made a mistake, a misstep. I believe that both statements in the Trust on page 8 are an attempt by Attorney Daniel Lak, Robert and Doris Fuller to exclude and defraud my grandmother from receiving the rightful possession of her husband's assets, to deny her a marital life estate and the resources necessary for her care during the final years of her life. If the statement is true as contained in the Trust, that my grandparents were no longer married then those in control of the Trust should be forced to present reputable evidence as to the veracity of those statements. I have no doubt that Mr. Steven A. Fuller can produce a legitimate copy of my grandparent’s marriage certificate. Also, had my grandmother been in possession of the same amount or near assets as my grandfather, Robert and Doris Fuller, her adult children, would have not treated her in this manner.
I believe that we the other heirs, have not seen nor been privy to the Thelsey L. Fuller Trust or any other Trust that may have been set up to include the other properties and bank accounts not included or listed in the Thelsey S. Fuller Trust [sic] i.e. Belhaven Ave, 8707 Falmouth Ave Unit: 308 et al.
It must be noted that Attorney Lak has a history of not filing all documents in relationship to some of his legal transactions nor filing them in a timely manner.
See, Town & Country Bank, Plaintiff, vs. Brian Goodard and Daniel K. Lak, Defendants as contained in the Complaint Case No. A584786 Dept No. VII filed in District Court, Clark County, Nevada Town & Country Bank v. Goddard et al Case Number: 2:2009cv00686
At the time that my grandfather's alleged Trusts were set up - he was a very fragile, sickly ninety-one year old man who required 24 hour care by others as he was no longer able to care for himself or to make it to the bathroom on his own. I have no idea as to the level of his vision or which medications he was taking or the side effects thereof when the Trust instruments were created and presented to him for his signature, I believe that this is another issue that must be addressed by competent authorities.
Now, the State of California has a code of laws in which define what is considered elder abuse when considering the actions of those responsible for the care and treatment of the elderly.
Your search for "elder abuse" found 3,577 hits in 50 documents.
A Citizen's Guide to Preventing and Reporting Elder Abuse
I also understand that on 21 October 2009, several U.S. Senators introduced a proposed federal "Elder Abuse Victims Act (S. 1821)" as a "companion" Senate bill to one adopted earlier last year in the House, known as the "Elder Abuse Victims Act (H.R. 448)." "To protect seniors in the United States from elder abuse by establishing specialized elder abuse prosecution and research programs and activities to aid victims of elder abuse, to provide training to prosecutors and other law enforcement related to elder abuse prevention and protection, to establish programs that provide for emergency crisis response teams to combat elder abuse, and for other purposes." This legislation has become enfolded into the Health Care Reform Act currently pending on Capital Hill.
I believe that each and every action taken by Daniel K. Lak, Robert L. Fuller and Doris A. Fuller in regards to Mr. Thelsey L. Fuller was to coerce, take advantage, manipulate and rob my grandfather of his livelihood, to isolate and keep all other family members from having a relationship and contact with him during his last year of life.
I made several attempts to have contact with my grandfather during the last year of his life once he was in the full time care of Doris A. Fuller. I was finally allowed to talk to my grandfather over the telephone a month before his passing. And I knew from past experience that Doris and or Robert would listen in on his telephone calls by placing the caller on speakerphone. Being that I believed that more likely than not that it would be the last time I would be able to speak to my grandfather I advised him not to trust anyone. He said that he knew that he was tired which he stated twice. A week later he was further isolated from his family by being placed against his will in Pacific Palms Convalescent Hospital, Los Angeles, as I believe Robert and Doris had tired of providing for his care and he had signed everything that they needed him to sign. During his stay there, Robert and Doris refused to tell any of the other family members as to his whereabouts. I was so concerned about my grandfather's well being that I contacted the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department, 310-605-6500 and spoke to Deputy Anderson at approximately 9:20 PM EST Saturday, 08 August 2009, Incident No. 170 and asked that they go to Doris's home to check on him. After I did not hear from the Sheriff's Department that weekend I telephoned the Los Angeles County Coroner's office the following Monday to inquire if they had his body. According to his death certificate his doctor last saw him on 06 August 2009. His death certificate also appears to indicate that Dr. Dat Quoc Vo was one of his doctor as of 18 May 2009. I have no idea whom the doctor or doctors were that provided medical care for my grandfather prior to this and I am only aware of this one doctor because of the death certificate.
Please note that eighteen days after I called the Sheriff’s Department, my grandfather was dead.
Now, looking at the Amendment to the Trust, it appears to me that the language contained therein does not reflect the personality or what I believe to be the true wishes of my grandfather, nor does the language reflect the love that I know he had and shown to his family over the course of my interactions and conversations with him over the course of my lifetime and when he had the freedom to make his own decisions. But, instead what I believe is reflected in the document is the mindset and intentions of others and what I believe to be that of unscrupulous people to his detriment with the only and sole aim for financial gain and a desire to enrich themselves. At best the document raises some very serious questions as to its validity. It is also my understanding that more than one Trust was set up and presented to my grandfather for his signature and that may or may not contain his legal name wherein he was always wise enough to sign what I consider to be his legal name. Other members of the family, including myself have not seen nor been privy to the Thelsey L. Fuller Revocable Trust, Thelsey L. Fuller Trustee, which we have reasonable belief exist and is in the hands and control of Daniel K. Lak, Robert L. Fuller and Doris A. Fuller.
In short, I pray that a through investigation be conduct and that all of those that may have broke the laws of the State of California or any and all other Federal Statutes in regards to Probate and or also the treatment of the elderly, elder abuse, as in this case and in regards to Mr. Thelsey L. Fuller and Edwina J. Fuller. That those individuals be brought to justice in a court of jurisprudence.
Also, I contacted Robert L. Fuller on 15 January 2010 and asked him why he did what he did and he advised me that I should never return to California, that I should be careful here in South Carolina and that he was "lawyered up." He took issue that I referred to my grandfather as "Daddy" in our conversation. As a young child I referred to my grandparents as grandmother and grandfather but as I grew older I began to call Edwina, "Momma" and Thelsey, "Daddy" and have referred to them as such my entire adult life. Robert also attempted to be coy and faint as if he didn't know what I was talking about. This is a man from what I understand once went by the street name “Buddha,” was accused of rape in 1962, shot his first wife’s brother and cousin, and was in fact convicted of murdering is first wife, Linda Fuller (Irving) in 1971. Robert L. Fuller is very cunning, convincing, gifted in words and verse, and he is capable of lying to one's face without flinching.
I believe Doris A. Fuller to be a radical pathological liar, a militant that may have ties to the Mexican Mafia. And when offered $42,000.00 by my grandfather she informed him that it wasn't enough.
I must also note for the record that a letter bearing my name and containing a blank piece of notebook paper, addressed care of my father-in-law the maternal grandfather of my three minor children, was sent to his home this past week. And post marked 11 January 2010, from Los Angeles, California, with no return address. My wife works for the U.S. Postal Service and was five months pregnant with our third child during the events of 9/11 and when anthrax was placed in the U.S. Mail. Every time she went out the door to work during that time I was in a panic, afraid for her safety and that of our unborn child. I consider this [letter] to be an act of terrorism, and a veiled threat against my person and my family [police report was filed], as the parties mentioned herein are aware that I am attempting to bring to the attention of the authorities the actions and events that these individuals brought to bear in regards to my grandparents. I believe Doris A. Fuller sent the letter, as it appears to have her handwriting on the envelope. And I believe Robert and Doris were made aware of my actions being that Attorney Lak had to respond to my inquiry to the California State Bar.
In closing, according to the alleged Trust, Robert and Doris were given fifty percent each of the assets that my grandfather left behind. His other children, Carol $40.00, Sandra (my mother) $40.00 and Steve $10.00. And what I still don't understand is how my grandfather came into possession of Doris's house at S. Bradfield Ave, Compton which she has owned since 1974 and how much it cost him to gift it back to her after she took out a reverse FHA mortgage on 01 May 2008 in the amount of $540,000.00 five-hundred forty thousand dollars. Said house has never been worth $540,000.00 even on a good day. Five months later on 21 October 2008 said property was gifted back to her by my grandfather after it was placed in the Thelsey S. Fuller Trust, when the Trust calls for Robert and Doris to be equal partners in the Trust and there being nothing set aside solely for Robert L. Fuller that I can ascertain. The condo in Westchester, 8707 Unit 308 is not mentioned nor is the Fuller Homestead at N. Belhaven? I also believe that if and when any other descendants of Mr. Thelsey L. Fuller and Mrs. Edwina J. Fuller are contacted in regards to my grandfather, I am sure that they would be willing to cooperate and discuss their understanding as to what was done and what happened to my grandfather during his last year of life now that all of this has begun to come to light.
As this matter stands now there are too many questions and not enough answers.
Judith Lisa Eisenstein (Trustee), Thelsey S Fuller [sic] (Trustee) (Revocable Trust), Thelsey S Fuller [sic], James Matthew and Judith Lisa Eisenstein Keenan (Revocable Trust) (Trustee) and James Matthew Keenan Judy Lisa Eisenstein and Thelsey S Fuller [sic] (Documentation not filed, missing from public records)
8707 Falmouth Avenue, Unit: 308
Los Angeles-Westchester/LAX 90293
Thelsey L Fuller Revocable Trust and Thelsey L Fuller Trustee Thelsey L Fuller (BELHAVENAVELOSANGELES,CA90059.PDF see page 2)
N. Belhaven Avenue
Compton 90059
Thelsey S Fuller Revocable Trust and Thelsey S Fuller Trustee Thelsey S Fuller [sic] (Documentation not filed, missing from public records)
S. Bradfield Avenue
Compton 90221
Thelsey S Fuller (Revocable Trust) and Thelsey S Fuloler (Trustee) Thelsey S Fuller [sic]
12th Ave Inglewood 90305
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore." - Psalms 133
Oh Lord, my God, is there no hope for a widow's son?
Thank you,
Honorable Sen. Lindsey O. Graham
State Bar of California, Office of Chief Trial Counsel, Audit & Review, Case No. 09-20908
FBI Headquarter Washington DC
Document CD
Robert Lewis Fuller
FBI Tracking Number, Case File: CI 01261737
Man Accused of Bilking 90-year-old Woman
Tucson Woman Given 18.5 Years in Prison for Abuse of Elderly Man
Redding Man Charged With Financial Elder Abuse, Grand Theft
Physically Dependent on Caregivers, Fragile Seniors Prime Targets of Abuse
Elder Abuse: The Growing Concern
Elder Abuse — What Is It?
Livermore Accountant Enters Plea in Fraud Case
Financial Elder Abuse Rampant in Economic Downturn
"A lot of people believe what belongs to their parents is rightfully theirs," said Harding. This notion may lead family members to take advantage of elders strictly because they believe they are entitled to it."
I am the daughter of a victim who was exploited and also dismissed by the legal system in CA. Traveled the same path of apathy and disregard for elder abuse and fraud statutes. I have seen your posts on FB and I'd like to contact you. I don't want to post my contact info here. Could you message me on the FB page, Elder Advocates? Thank you.
ReplyDeleteAnother victim find my story here http://www.uglyjudge.com/about-robert-gettinger/