30 July 2017

Taking care of those who took care of you

Seniors who face elder abuse have 3 times the risk of death compared to those not facing abuse. Joe Kuczynski reports.

A study conducted by the Metlife Market Institute estimates that elder abuse costs American’s about $3 billion dollars a year, and that number, they believe, is conservative.

Even more concerning is that seniors who face elder abuse have three times the risk of death compared to those not facing abuse. That is why it’s critical to pay attention to the warning signs.

“Physical abuse, sexual abuse and neglect issues are usually a part of an elder abuse situation," Eileen Rodden said. "Abusers use those tactics to acquire access to money and to homes.”

Rodden works as Project Coordinator at the Women’s Center of Jacksonville, an organization offering support and education to woman about abuse. She also works to educate people on providing the proper care for an incapacitated loved one, and the challenges facing guardians, something she knows about personally.

“I took care of my own mother who had Alzheimer’s for 5 years before she passed away..." Rodden said. "As a caregiver it is a frustrating situation you feel like you could do more you try to do more but then you have all your other duties.”

Rodden said that most negligence or abuse does come from nonprofessional care givers, family members or neighbors. That’s not necessarily because of wicked intent, but more often it’s because they’re inexperienced in taking care of a senior. 

Fortunately, there are workshops that can teach and support those taking on the responsibility, but if you suspect someone of committing elder abuse, it’s important to know that there are resources out there to put an end to it.

Read more: http://www.firstcoastnews.com/life/taking-care-of-those-who-took-care-of-you/460410550

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